16 reasons for low fertility in camels

Written by Mohamed Abdi.

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Fertility in camels is much lower as compared to other farm animals. However this can be improved by good management although cannot exceed 70%. The range of fertility is between 34 to 70%. Some of the causes of low fertility are:

  1. Late calving – the first calving is at advanced ages. Sexual maturity can be as late as 3 to 5 years for females and as late as 6 to 8 years for males.
  2. Males only serve seasonally.
  3. Males ability to serve is hampered by loss of appetite, diarrhea and loss of weight.
  4. Males must be assisted in the penetration of the female
  5. Females are also seasonal with long pregnancy periods.
  6. The calves are delicate therefore high prenatal mortality; also postnatal mortality from diseases and predators.
  7. Calving interval is long, after every 2 to 3 years on good management.
  8. The prevailing management is not to standard
  9. Colostrum is not fed to calves for fear of diarrhea which contributes to high calf deaths. In other places colostrum is used for human consumption.
  10. People keeping camels do not know the danger of inbreeding which brings about abnormalities and reduced hybrid vigor.
  11. Males are herded together therefore libidos of weak males are suppressed.
  12. Breeding males are heavily worked leading to frequent abortions and still births.
  13. Herdsmen are usually unskilled therefore cannot assist the animals during reproductive problems like assisting males to females.
  14. Calves are weaned very early.
  15. Diseases affecting camels
  16. Frequencies of multiple births are rare.
