A case for a national livestock census in Kenya

Written by Maurice Rangoma.

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The last Kenya livestock census was conducted in 1988 and whatever figures that have been subsequently used for planning and other purposes were projections. The livestock population figures as released by the Kenya Bureau of Statistics from the 2009 Population Census are therefore welcome

The reasons enumerated here are not exhaustive and those left out are not in any way less significant. They are just to show that the livestock population figures should be interpreted with caution. Nevertheless, the KBS livestock figures are a step forward in improving livestock production in Kenya.

as they present official figures that can be referred to. But wait! How accurate are they? There has been concern regarding the accuracy of these figures.








Sheep Goats Camels Donkeys
Kenya 3,355,407 14,112,367 17,129,606 27,740,153 2,971,111 1,832,519
Nairobi 25,536 29,010 34,717 46,837 20 12,824
Central 800,227 325,678 664,237 531,209 231 35,516
Coast 74,119 74,119 885,846 467,439 1,570,728 51,045
Eastern 373,307 1,886,854 1,890,898 4,729,057 248,634 304,249



80,422 2,694,786 4,264,155 7,886,586 1,700,893 382,345
Nyanza 221,670 1,527,000 495,055 961,269 59 60,793



1,560,222 5,919,585 9,079,380 11,750,521 968,192 988,647
Western 219,904 843,608 233,725 263,946 2,037 16,229

Livestock population: Kenya Population Census 2009

Before delving into the accuracy, one has to accept that these figures are official. The only way to corroborate or challenge these figures is for the Ministry of Livestock Development to carry out a livestock census given that these figures inform policy. Twenty two years is a long time and projections can no longer be relied upon. A national livestock census is long overdue.

Various grounds have been advanced to challenge the accuracy of the livestock population figures. The arguments are varied, some of which are valid though not verified. Among the grounds for dispute are:

  1. Culturally, many communities in Kenya are not inclined to disclose the number of animals they posses for fear of losing them. The census clerks did not therefore carry out head counts to validate obtained figures.
  2. All livestock age groups were not taken into consideration. For example, in obtaining the number of chicken, it was common to give the number of adult and leaving out the chicks. The same applied to other livestock categories.
  3. Not all livestock categories were considered. Just the common farm animals like cattle, sheep and goats were counted. Other not so common but equally important livestock, for example pigs, horses, other poultry, emerging livestock, ostrich, rabbits and others were left out.
  4. Various aspects to do with economics of livestock production were overlooked. The infrastructure and livestock support systems need to be taken into account.
