A sample ration for dairy goats

Written by Maurice Rangoma.

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In formulating a ration for dairy goats it is important to note the best way to feed goats and that the rations will be presented to the animals in the stalls. There are advantages of stall feeding because:-


Common dairy goat feeds

Pasture & Fodder


Crops residues




Maclick super

Unga high phosphorous (powder 20g per day)


At least 8 liters of clean water

A sample ration

Dairy goats rations are formulated from roughages mainly sourced from forages, water, minerals and concentrates. Dairy goats should be fed according to body weight and physiological requirements.  Dry matter amount is critical in feeding dairy goats.  The dry matter requirement is 6% of the body weight.

A goat weighing 30Kg will require 1.8Kg of dry matter (DM). Here is an example of an ideal daily ration for dairy goat
